Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Best Beauty Tips I've Ever Received

In the last 10-15 years I've gotten lots of beauty tips, I think all women have. Some were useful, some not so much. I thought I'd pass on a few of my faves! 1) Leave face wash on. A lot of times when we wash our faces I think we rinse the face wash off too quickly. If it doesn't have a chance to work, you'll never get any results. When I shower now, after putting my shampoo on (to let it sit through my shower too!) I wash my face. I don't rinse my face wash off however until the end of my shower. I've found that this helps clean my face much better! 2)Baby Oil removes eye makeup. I was recently looking on Pinterest at different eye makeup removal recipes. Most were seriously elaborate and though their authors bragged about how much money they saved over buying the big name brands' makeup remover, their concoctions were still twice the price of good old fashion baby oil. It works fantastically, and is fairly inexpensive. Considering you only need a tiny drop to take off even the toughest mascara, a bottle should last a good long time! 3)Shampoo dry hair This one I don't use anymore because I only use Wen and it needs to be used with water, however if you still use regular shampoo and want to deep clean, I've found that if you begin by applying shampoo to your hair while it is still dry, working it around a bit, and then adding the water to lather it will clean better. I believe this was a tip I read that Heidi Klum wrote, but I could be mistaken about which beautiful model passed this on. 4)Highlight your eyes Now this tip actually comes straight from Carmindy, the makeup artist on TLC's What Not to Wear. I love her work, she does absolutely beautiful makeup. She also teaches the ladies in her chair to highlight their faces, specifically the inside corners of their eyes and just under the brow bone with their lightest shade of eye shadow. This really does help to brighten the face! Light highlighting on the cheek bones is beautiful too!

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