Monday, April 27, 2015

Pur Minerals

I really like Pur Minerals 4 in 1 Pressed Mineral Foundation. So when I saw a great deal on a fairly large set containing the powder that I use every day, I jumped at the deal. It was straight from the Pur Minerals site, so I wasn't worried about any issues with a shady 3rd party seller. I placed my order on April 5th.
On April 16th I received an email stating that my order had finally shipped. I thought this was a pretty long time to wait to ship my order, but the deal was really good, so I figured that maybe more people than they expected took advantage of it, which would account for the delay. So I waited. And I waited.
When it still hadn't arrived by today, I decided to call the company.
First I was told that they showed my package being delivered on April 14th. I asked how that was possible given that my email showed it wasn't even shipped until the 16th. There was a very long pause, after which she explained that there was just a delay in the system and that my order had actually shipped on April 8th. There was another fairly long pause, followed by her telling me that her system showed my order was sent to Minnesota. That's a problem...since I live in Michigan. There was no explanation for why my order was sent to the wrong state, my shipping address was correct in her computer.
When all was finally said and done, I was told that my order would re-ship tomorrow. Hopefully this time it makes it to the correct state. Only time will tell.

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