Monday, April 28, 2014

The Workout That Changed my Life

OK, so I know that title sounds a little dramatic, but honestly it's true. I have never been into working out. I was always a fairly thin person, though after having my daughter at 30 taking the weight off was much harder than it was when I had my son at 20. I had finally lost most of the baby weight (my daughter was 3 though!) but I still wanted to tone up some. I came across this article in US Weekly (a subscription I get free BTW because of offers like the one I posted here a while back!)Tracy Anderson is the pro who trains celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow and Nicole Richie. They both have pretty amazing bodies so I figured she had the street cred to be reliable. The workout seemed easy enough, and she said in the article that the moves are basically working all the muscles in your arm from shoulders to fingers. The entire workout takes 12 minutes a day 4-6 times each week and you will need a set of 3lb weights. Tracy says that when you start working out your upper body, its easy to see results in your arms quickly so that motivates you to work on other areas of your body too. Since I've never stuck to a workout routine, I wasn't so sure she was right, but for 12 minutes a day I decided to give it a try. Boy oh boy was she right! Not only did I start to see results pretty quickly, but it did make me want to do more. I started doing squats and lunges after my arms work. I added some leg lifts I had learned in a cardio kickboxing class I used to take. Now that its getting warmer out I'm going for walks and I can actually jog for more than 10 seconds without being out of breath! I've lost another 10lbs which really got me close to my pre-baby weight! So here are pictures of the US Weekly pages, they were a game changer for me and I hope they'll help anyone else looking to tone up or drop a few of those pregnancy pounds!

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