Saturday, May 17, 2014

Love Gives Chances

I just heard about this foundation, it was actually on the Disney Channel. I probably wouldn't have heard about it otherwise since I seem to only get to watch Disney shows these days! I see a lot of these kids that they feature who are making a difference in the world. This one really stood out for me. This little girl was in the Foster Care System before she was adopted and she wanted to do something to give back. That's the basic gist of how she started her foundation Love Gives Chances. My mom was a Child Protective Services Worker. Since she was a single working mom I went to a lot of different work outings with her. I spent a lot of time playing with different foster kids over the years. She would take me to the park with her when she had to supervise a parent/child visitation, things like that. Maybe that's why I really took notice of this. The money this foundation raises goes towards scholarships for these kids.

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